Special Thanks!

Grand Canyon 2025 Sponsorships & Donors

We would like to thank the following individuals & corporations who helped make this trip possible.

–       Easter Cross
–       Gasparini-Beals Foundation
–       County Consumer Plumbing Group
–       Dr. Steven & Diane Howard
–       Chuck & Marion Krause
–       Optimist Club of Redwood City
–       Kennedy Middle School PTO
–       Peter & Paula Uccelli Foundation
–       David Amann of Edward Jones
–       Kaiser Permanente
–       Atkinson Foundation
–       Jerry & Barbara Pierce
–       Ellen Fuchs
–       Joe & Carmen Mahood

Thank you to our chaperones who have donated over 4000 hours to make this trip a success:

Any questions please contact Alfredo Oropeza aoropeza@rcsdk8.net

The Chaperones

Alfredo Oropeza, Leader
Michelle Haussler, Organizer
Angie Tinson
Jim Smith
Magdalena Dorywalska
Sarah Coyle
Keith Kadera
Lisa Cook
Jerry Pierce
Mike Smith
Josh Muela
Alex Herrera
Anita Weickert
Cathy Ammenti
Erick Bentancourt
Melissa Vandermolen