
Year 1990 Here are Mrs. Margaret Marshall and Mr. Rodger Williams backpacking to Supai. Mr. Rodger Williams and Mr. Ken Woody are the founders of this Trek.

Year 1995 We used to stay at KOA campground in Kingman, Arizona both before and after the backpacking hike. One year the rain wet all our sleeping bags so we now stay in a Motel now.

Year 1999 Mr. John Brand and Mrs. Colleen Enger are leading the students down the trail to the village of Supai.

Year 2002 was the last time we used the school district’s school bus to carry the students. Here is the old school bus just before leaving on the Trek.

Year 2003 We started using two tour buses to carry the students from one place to another on the Trek. This is one of the two tour buses in 2003 being loaded with the students carry on bags.

Year 2006 Mr. John Brand went with Mr. Warren Sedar on the Trek to make a smooth leadership transition. Here is Mr. John Brand waiting for the Havasupia Ranger to return to his office at the campground.

Year 2006 Mr. Warren Sedar took the leadership of the Trek from Mr. John Brand, who retired.


Year 2008 This is Mr. Warren Sedar leader of the Grand Canyon Trek in 2008. It has been an annual event at Kennedy Middle School since 1978. It usually happens in the middle of May each year. The adult chaperones include a mixture of teachers, school district employees, and volunteers like me.

Year 2009 We were unable to use the Havasu campground this year because it was damaged by a flood earlier. Keith and Nina Kadera planned and did most of the work on Plan B. Plan B is what we did instead of backpacking to Havasu campground. Shown here are Keith and Nina with Mr. Warren Sedar in a raft on the Colorado river near Glen Canyon dam.


A description of the day-by-day hike